Without Wings (Poem)

Without Wings

Meandering through
The cobbled paths of life,
Strucks my mind an insight.
I looked around,
But failed to see any blossoms
Out of the pricking thorns of summer.
This fool led me through
The crippled streets of parching heat.
But when the "cruel" April
Showered its lovely drops upon me,
And thought along with me,
And crack jokes with me,
And discussed Lady Chatterley
And Dan Brown,
I found my space
At last…

I love divergence.
I always do.
If the Divine Will has
Granted me a pair of wings
I would have travelled through
All creative spaces in the universe.
But without those wings
I wouldn’t fail to be myself
I would fly over the skies and the stars
With the plumes of my imagination
And I will become a universe of my own


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